This is the question nobody is allowed to ask:
Imagine you are DPL. In January, an experienced and respected volunteer writes:
You can use my name temporarily while looking for other people to help you in this role... However, I can't officially commit to help with the duties of an administrator right now.
and in July, he follows up:
Due to unforeseen and extraordinary personal circumstances that I don't wish to discuss...
The volunteer visits your city every month for work and asks if he can meet you in person. Do you:
- Use the volunteer to tie up all GSoC and DebConf loose ends over another 2 months
- Wait until you bank the $17,200 from Google
- Ignore the volunteer's public resignation
- Send a complaint to Debian Account Managers
- Send emails to other organizations denouncing the volunteer
- Receive and brag about another big cheque from Google
- When the volunteer works up the courage to challenge you publicly on debian-project, lie and deny what you wrote
- Prompt people to stalk the volunteer at events?
- Or do you accept the suggested meeting, do the right thing and try to find a low key solution?