Debian Coup Explained

We've recently seen hard evidence of Debian's harassment culture, proof that it comes down from above and methods used to silence people who speak up.

On Sunday, a Debian Developer took some time out of his weekend and created a new package. Instead of thanking him, the Debian Project Leader (DPL), Sam Hartman, launched a ferocious attack in the bug tracking system, alleging the developer is inferior to other developers. Hartman provides no evidence. Hartman attacked the same volunteer who asked people to stop harassing him after his father died.

In another rambling email, Hartman claims to be tearing up the constitution and declaring an absolute, god-given right to humiliate and shame people at will.

Just last week, Debian announced full censorship of mailing lists. Censorship and control of the media prevent leaders from being held to account. These conditions enable rogue leaders to indulge themselves.

Similar scenes occurred only recently in Libreville, Gabon, where strongmen barged into the TV station and announced they had taken control of the country:

Is it fair to suggest that Hartman's antics look just as outrageous? Flanked by his Debian Account Managers and mailing list admins/censors, their uniforms tattooed onto their bodies, consciences amputated when they enlisted. Volunteers beware.

There is not much difference between secret expulsions from Debian and warlords who feed their enemies to their dog in the middle of the night.

If you find the drama of a military coup is too over the top, there is another way to look at it: Sam Hartman has simply promoted himself to become one of the apex predators of cyberbullies. Why does he keep harassing the same volunteer?

If the leader shaming a volunteer at a time of grief isn't a violation of the Debian Code of Conduct, then Hartman's antics prove the Code is worthless. He has clearly violated it.