We've heard about suicide by cop but has Debian politics given rise to a new mode of suicide, the suicide by Monk?
The former Fellowship representative wrote and published a detailed report about the death of Joel 'Espy' Klecker and the perception that it may have been medically-assisted-suicide, in other words, euthanasia. If so, it has been suggested this could have been a kind of proto-suicide for the subsequent copy-cat suicides with similar characteristcs in the Debian suicide cluster.
The domain names GerryHutch.com, GerryHutch.ie and theMonk.ie were all registered within 24 hours of publishing the blog about the euthanasia perception hypothesis.
The blog does not assert that Espy died by euthanasia. The blog only considers the possibility that people reading the history are forming the perception that it is a possible euthanasia.
Let's pray for a happy Monk.
Below, a screenshot from Google search. The Monk's arch-rival is Daniel Kinahan. The Hutch-Kinahan feud is described by Wikipedia as an ongoing affair. When the Monk goes googling for the person who registered his domain, he sees the name of his arch-rival. Seeing the name and face of Kinahan could have a triggering impact, excuse the pun. Well done Google.

Please see the full list of suicides and accidents in the Debian Community.