We found the following in IRC logs from 2009:
<Fynn>: Mr. Joerg (Jörg) Jaspert AKA Ganneff, I'm coming to Fulda, Hessen (36037). Be sure to meet me at the train station! If you don't show up, I will murder you and your entire family. I'll murder you; take my words literally. You picked the wrong person to piss off.
Why is Fynn so mad?
We found an earlier comment in the chat session:
<bremner>: boy, somebody took having their package rejected by ftpmaster pretty personally.
Debianists loudly encourage people to do work creating new packages and fixing bugs. Jaspert is a member of two different teams that have a significant reputation for gatekeepism, the FTP Master team and the Debian Account Managers (DAM).
People follow all the documentation and procedures to contribute a piece of work to Debian. Sometimes they spend hours or days on such a task. When they upload their contribution, the gatekeeper leaves it sitting in a queue for a few weeks and from time to time they simply reject the contribution with an opaque one-line response.
In other cases, we've heard of people contributing a package in the belief that their name will be included in the list of Debian Developers. The FTP Masters (including Jaspert) accept the new package but they don't accept the person.
These impolite responses are totally out of order when you consider the vast amount of work that some people have done to prepare their package for inclusion.
For some people, they have the feeling that their work is being plagiarised because their name isn't included in the list of Debian Developers.
It is really disturbing to see that these angry people are being attracted to Jaspert's town, Fulda, in Germany.
News has recently circulated about Jaspert's role in the school council at Dalbergschule in Fulda, Germany. Local magazines published a photo of him in a Debian t-shirt with other parents Claudia Beck and Ina Riechert.

Do the other school leaders know that Jaspert is engaged in these online practices where he is exploiting people's labor and pissing people off? How would they feel about Jaspert attracting these angry victims to their village?