On 19 April the Debian Community News Team published more evidence of the proximity of Israeli intelligence to Debian.
Less than a week later and a greedy lawyer, Jonathan Cohen, a partner at Charles Fussell in London, has started formally harassing the volunteers. The WIPO UDRP arbitration service is the weapon in use. You can see Cohen's vendetta in the WIPO database.
Earlier this year a ruling from the ADR Forum confirmed that these attacks on volunteers are harassment and abuse of the UDRP. Rather than respecting that verdict, the lawyers have simply gone to a different UDRP arbitrator, WIPO, hoping to get another knife into the volunteers.
The Google employees in Debian are currently searching for young women in Kosovo to work for free as volunteers at DebConf22. Most of these women earn less in a month than Jonathan Cohen is being paid for one hour writing harassment and defamation of volunteers.
According to the Debian constitution, s3.2(1), people can not be paid for work on Debian, we are volunteers. Jonathan Cohen's misappropriation of Debian money is a violation of the constitution. In other words, we could think of it as embezzlement or a bank robbery in progress. If a black man in America steals five dollars then the victim can apparently walk up to him and shoot him in the head but a white Oxford-educated lawyer from London can take tens of thousands of pounds from a fund for software development and get away with it.
Here is that picture of the Israeli agent Lior Kaplan with the Kosovo girls:

and Jonathan Cohen with the Debian money:

We found various links to Cohen on a company web site and LinkedIn
If you care about Debian and the real developers who create free software then please help stop this crime.
From: jonathancohen@charlesfussell.com
To: icann, legalservicesDear Madam or Sir,
We are the legal representative of Software in the Public Interest Inc., The Debian Project and Debian.ch (“the Complainants”).
Today, on 27 April 2022, we are submitting to WIPO the Complainants’ Complaint for transfer of the domain name debian.community whose registration and operation infringes the UDRP (the “Complaint”).
In line with WIPO’s Supplemental Rules paragraph 4(c), we hereby provide a copy of the Complaint to EuroDNS S.A. as the relevant domain name registrar.
Our submission consists of the Complaint and 26 Annexes. The Complaint and Annexes 1-12 are attached to this email; the remainder will follow in subsequent separate emails.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Cohen
8 Buckingham Street
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www.charlesfussell.comThis email is intended solely for the addressee. It is confidential and may be subject to legal professional privilege. If you have received this email in error please delete it immediately and do not copy it or any information contained within it. Please notify the sender by email or telephone +44 (0) 20 7839 9710.
Charles Fussell & Co LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (with registered number OC353144) and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of members' names is open to inspection at our registered office, 8 Buckingham Street, Strand, London WC2N 6BX.