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Molly de Blanc has recently started a vile "petition" asking people to harass a volunteer, Richard Stallman.
That is not a petition. As the vendetta is all about one person, it is cyberbullying. Vilification. Harassment. Violation of the law, state and federal. Github logs show Molly and her buddies spent all weekend on this. Can you think of any other industry where this behavior takes place? These logs suggest a sociopath is at work.

You can make a petition to arrest and prosecute Molly de Blanc using this web form provided by the Somerville police department. Post this link or your own text.
- Click to call Somerville Police on +1-617-625-1600
- Click to call Middlesex District Attorney on +1-781-897-8300
de Blanc has no leadership skills so she advocates bullying
In the slide below, de Blanc drew a mob with stick figures. Like Trump's mob at the US Capitol, de Blanc is raising a mob to attack Dr Stallman.
Bully/Molly de Blanc: Well we can use our collective power to push others
Push back. Contact Somerville Police today. Just give them this link.
(full video from FrOSCon 2019)
Racketeering and conspiracy
The use of multiple sock-puppet organizations, such as Debian, FSFE and Open Source Initiative, to give credibility to the attacks, is an example of racketeering and conspiracy. OSI and FSFE produce nothing, while Debian is a phantom organization, the bank accounts and domains ultimately controlled by another entity, Software in the Public Interest, Inc. News reports about the attacks (example) are referencing these phony organizations and titles, giving the attacks on Dr Stallman an undeserved semblence of credibility.
Dr Stallman is not a politician or highly paid CEO of a multinational. He is a volunteer on the board of a small non-profit organization, the FSF. He is not paid. Citizens who serve on boards like this are entitled to privacy and respect. He is 68 years old.
Most organizations only give gratitude to somebody of this age who has been contributing for so long. de Blanc, on the other hand, is stripping away human dignity.
The offender, de Blanc, resides in Somerville, Massachusetts. If you experience harassment from de Blanc, please do not copy her dirty tricks. Do not start a petition. The correct course of action to contain this type of aggression is to contact law enforcement.
You can make a petition to arrest and prosecute Molly de Blanc using this web form provided by the Somerville police department.
- Click to call Somerville Police on +1-617-625-1600
- Click to call Middlesex District Attorney on +1-781-897-8300

de Blanc has used an email address to launch the harassment against a former employee of MIT. edX is affiliated with MIT. It appears hideous for de Blanc to use the edX brand to spread defamation and round up what looks like a mob of 1,300 people to attack a volunteer who resigned from MIT more than two years ago. You can email MIT's Office of the General Counsel and edX legal team. edX is an organization that is committed to helping people achieve their best. We can't imagine they would want to tear people down like this, in fact, de Blanc no longer works there.
MIT's GC is Mark DiVincenzo. MIT legal department web site. edX trademark page.
You can copy and paste the following details into your police report and email complaint:
Offender: Molly de Blanc 02144 Somerville MA United States of America Victim: Dr Richard Stallman MA United States of America URL where harassment is initiated: Aggravating circumstances: Misuse of brands and multiple sock-puppet organizations in coordinated attack on the victim to give the attacks more force and cause more pain. The web page is highly defamatory. Dr Stallman is close to retirement age and de Blanc is attacking the legacy of his career. de Blanc has incited over a thousand people to join in her crime against Dr Stallman. Logs: Here is the commit where de Blanc started the vendetta: commit 535a9d11f1e09addf1a15fc318326105e2bc640f Author: Molly de Blanc <> Date: Tue Mar 23 13:42:36 2021 -0400 Initial commit
You can download a full copy of the harassment log here.
You can download a full list of the people used by de Blanc.
Legal basis for a criminal prosecution
de Blanc regularly talks about Codes of Conduct, in other words, trying to make volunteers behave like the submissive and obedient slaves in a cult. The public shaming of Richard Stallman is a tactic to instill fear in other volunteers. Every cult leader uses the same tactic, periodically beating somebody in front of the whole group. Whether Molly uses a stick or a petition, it is the same tactic. Massachusetts state law provides many regulations against the behavior of Molly de Blanc:
- MGL c.71, § 37O Bullying in schools
- MGL c.12, § 11H Violation of constitutional rights
- MGL c.265 § 43 Stalking
- MGL c.265,§ 43A Criminal harassment
- MGL c.266, § 37E Identity fraud
- MGL c.269, § 17 Hazing
- MGL c.269, § 18 Failure to report hazing
- MGL c.269, § 19 Schools to provide copy of hazing law to students
603 CMR 33 Hazing reporting - secondary schools
603 CMR 49 Notification of bullying or retaliation
610 CMR 5 Hazing reporting - higher education
Bullying Dr Stallman and interfering in his leadership work is a crime in progress. Molly de Blanc is the prime suspect.
We present images of the suspect on this site to assist law enforcement and the public.

Photograph Copyright (C) James Grimmelmann, distributed under the license CC BY 2.0.