URGENT: our domain has been stolen and will stop working on 29 July 2022
Please update your browser home page, bookmarks and links from any pages you control.
Use the new URL https://disguised.work where we are continuing to document the Debian / Ubuntu culture and related suicides
You can find the new RSS and Atom feed URLs on the same page. As the debian.community domain has been stolen, we can not rely on a redirect. p>
New debian-private leaks for July and August 2022: the DebConf room-sharing lists are coming. See the conflicts of interest in Debian cabals bedroom-by-bedroom, bed-by-bed. Read it safely online without the grunts and odours of DebConf dormitories. These will be available on the new URL, https://disguised.work
Other new leaks include another 7000 emails from debian-private. Please make sure you follow our new URL.
We note that the Debian gods have only tried to steal the domain, they have not made any effort to dispute the evidence we publish about mentor/intern romances in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Outreachy. Thanks to this legal process at WIPO, a lot more people are now coming to look at the web site.
If you rely on Debian and if you need to know the truth about modern slavery, people trafficking and integrity in open source, please follow and share the new URLs.

Photo Copyright (C) Andis Rado, Open Labs hackerspace, Tirana, Albania, copied from Wikimedia Commons