In 2006, there was widespread news coverage about a fight and real physical violence at DebConf6 in Mexico. What really happened?
Leaks have recently started to appear.
The recent leak of DebConf8 room sharing data shows that Holger Levsen was sharing a bed with Amaya Rodrigo. In fact, it seems that the majority of women in Debian are in relationships with male developers.
Public reports already told us that Holger Levsen and Moray Allan were responsible for violently expelling Ted Walther from DebConf / Debian. Now we can see that Holger's girlfriend was working behind the scenes to discredit Ted Walther. There is no evidence of wrongdoing on Ted's part, it is all gossip.
Amaya is from Spain and Ted's date was from Mexico. Some Spanish women can be very racist towards women from latin America. Amaya is spreading the rumor that Ted's date was a prostitute. She was pretending to help the other woman by telling her that Ted might be dangerous. These are the sly manipulations of a toxic woman at work.
The irony is, many of the Debian women are not publishing any substantial quanity of open source code. They get their ticket to DebConf and their status in the cabal because of who they sleep with and then they have the nerve to spread rumors that Mexican women are prostitutes.
Subject: Re: Ted Walther's Expulsion Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 14:03:49 +0200 From: Amaya Rodrigo <> Organization: Debian - To: Hi all, Gunnar, I have been giving this whole thing a lot of thought, and I guess you somehow expect an answer from me. I have skipped the rest of recipients for my own karma and sanity reasons. Gunnar Wolf wrote: > [ Note that I'm Cc:ing Amaya on this reply, as I know she does not > read -private I do read private, I wonder where you got that impression from :) > Amaya, please share my text with those other people, as it is > important to me that my close personal friends involved in this get > my appreciation on the matter. ] Done. > But I did get quite angry at, and I do condemn, the treatment of the > situation during the formal dinner. I am not particularly proud of my own actions that night. Especially of the way he managed to bring out the worst in me, the absolutely worst. Even to the point of irrationality that made me comfront people I call friends, people I admire, respect and love, like yourself, mooch or stockolm. > The woman who came with Ted was _believed_ to be a prostitute, because > nobody thought he would have had the time to make friends with locals, > and nobody took the time to get the hard facts straight. I did. I asked your friend Fabio in the most straight manner that I could and got what I absolutely believed was a positive answer. He later denied everything, which also fustrated and angried me, even when I had asked him to warn this lady about what I though was a dangerous customer, and I was quite explicit to him, and he didn't make any intend to correct my understanding of the situation, only later did he deny everything. > Some people say this lady was frontally asked whether she was a > prostitute, question to which she answered affirmatively. Of course, > given the huge lack of respect to her and to the only person she knew > in the crowd. I talked to the lady very briefly twice, never mentioning the word prostitute or making any insinuations at all. I also would have found extremely disrespectful to do so. Whatever her income comes from, she is a human being to me with full dignity. The first time i talked to her I explained to her that what was going on had nothing to do with her, that it was a problem with Ted and that I believed Ted was a dangerous person and that she should be careful. The second time I repeated that it was nothing against her and that she in fact was very welcome to share our dinner and dance afterwards, that the issue was exclusively with Ted. Both times I talked to her with respect, I especially din't want to instult her, on contrary. I want to comment on her reaction to me, though. She looked at me, then at Fabio, then slightly pushed me away and said something like (I can't recall exactly) "I can't talk to you" or "I am not allowed to talk to you", which of course only contributed to make me feel worse, as I read the whole situation as she was not even there on her own free will. Of course I think you, Gunnar, are aware that I didn't like Fabio at all, for reasons that I can clarify is there is any interest. I know he is your friend, and I am willing to talk about this with you in private. > I was far too disappointed with the irrational attitude of my friends. Yes, he managed to bring the worst, most irrational, airated /me I have been in my life. Am I proud about it? Sure not. > Next time something insults any of us (because it will happen, that's > a fact), please try to use your head before it gets to the boiling > temperature. Sure, Gunnar. I have learnt a couple of things out of this whole situation. I think we all have. I expect to never have to face such a situation in my life, but if I have to, there's a couple of skills I have learned. My intention is not to revive this thread, just to clarify that I treated the lady with respect. If anybody has further questions, I am happy (while absolutely unhappy) to answer. I think the questions can be addressed directly to me. Let's kill this thread. If possible at all, I would be happy if this message is not published when debian-private's archive is made public. -- .''`. Sometimes the littlest feet leave the biggest impressions : :' : `. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux `-
Amaya is currently working for Artefactual in Seville, Spain.