When the Formula One grand prix went to Hungary, they faced a big problem: prostitution was illegal. This is a challenge for events with a predominantly male audience. Hungary changed their laws and even constructed Erotik Camping zones for diversity purposes.
We already exposed the segregated accommodation at DebConf22 and now we will penetrate deeper into the issue.
The last DebConf in Europe was DebConf16 in Heidelberg, Germany. It was the biggest DebConf ever with over 700 participants. Participants attend between one and two weeks, up to 17 or 18 days for some people. Participation is over 98 percent male.
DebConf Kosovo originally planned to be in the capital city, Prishtina. The organizers subsequently decided to move it to a much smaller city, Prizren. The main reason for this move is to be inaccessible.
Debian has banned people like Linus Torvalds. They want to have DebConf concealed within the walls and gates of a former military base just in case Linus or any other censored speaker decides to show up.
This plan has various problems. Kosovo is a small and conservative country and Prizren is a very small city. Everybody knows each other. Women in Prizren don't do one-night-stands in their home town.
The hotels are not very big and everybody knows each other in these villages. Any local woman who is seen coming out of the bedroom of a Google or Ubuntu employee will be noticed. It is likely she will be recognized by at least one of the staff. She may be captured on CCTV recordings.
Prostitution is illegal in Kosovo. There is no massage parlour or red light district in a place like Prizren.
Debian pre-committed to pay for meals and accommodation for women on diversity bursaries but the women are not coming. Kosovo is a developing country and Debian can't even give the meals away.
There was some hope that women would come from neighboring countries like Macedonia and Albania. However, the women in those countries are not fools.
The women have all seen the pictures from Brazil, where Kosovan women were photographed with Chris Lamb and used like trophies.
Here is the trailer for the movie Wild Orchid, a reminder of DebConf19:

Reasons why women may not go to DebConf
Any young woman in Kosovo with any technical skill has already found a job. Employers will not give these women a week off work to go to a tech conference.
Three women from the region already received Outreachy internships. Renata Gegaj received $6,000 for 3 months work. Kristi Progri received $6,000 for 3 months work. Then Anisa Kuci received $6,000 for 3 months work. That is approximately $20 per hour in a country where most women earn less than $20 per day.
Therefore, why should other women go and work for free as volunteers? Balkan women have dignity and confidence and some are now asking for similar payments to do work at DebConf.

Albanian pimps to rescue sex-starved Debian
Debian is going to great lengths to cover up news about the Albanian Ubuntu employee who gave a job to his underage girlfriend.
Given all the recent publicity about a Red Hat associate pictured with the pimp, in scenes that resemble Epstein's search for credibility at MIT, why are the Debian and Ubuntu people willing to continue working with the pimp?
The pimp has a reputation as a fixer who can organize women to show up.
The Albanian conference OSCAL has been held in May each year but for 2022, they are holding it in June, just 3 weeks before DebConf in neighboring Kosovo. Some people are hoping that OSCAL will be an opportunity to scout for Albanian women and give them any leftover bursaries. Will the women be told about the accommodation and the history of misogyny in Debian before they get on the bus?
Here is that picture of the FSFE president Matthias Kirschner with the paid volunteers at OSCAL before the pandemic:

Albanian pimp Elio Qoshi with all the girls paid to pose as volunteers at OSCAL 2016: