DebConf22 call for papers is now open.
Accommodation plans have been published. We are alarmed to see that segregation will be in force. It makes poor doors look respectable.
Ninety-eight percent (98%) of Debian Developers are male. These are employees of Google, Red Hat and Ubuntu disguised in Debian t-shirts. Accommodation advice gives them a list of hotels, their rooms paid by their employers. Each man will have an air-conditioned private room in the historic village center.
Balkan women from Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and other low-income countries will be bussed in to the conference to correct the male imbalance. Fifty tickets have been reserved for this purpose, the equivalent of one bus, as we previously anticipated here. The accommodation advice tells us that Balkan women will be stored in the Innovation and Training Park (ITP). In fact, the ITP is the former KFOR base for military peacekeepers. Women will be there in the bunk beds in the dormitories.
In every other part of the world, when organizing a conference, organizers try to ensure that all attendees are treated equally. When your Silicon Valley company goes for a weekend in Las Vegas, everybody from the interns to the CEO each have a private room in the same hotel. Debian has decided to experiment with segregation.
It is a scary thought: if you stay in the dormitories on a bursary, will your path cross with the underage girlfriends staying in the same corridor?

Debian men in uniforms (tartan kilts)
More details about Debian uniform tartan here

Albanian / Balkan women in red t-shirt uniforms
Debian money was already used to traffic Albanian women to Brazil.
Photo courtesy Andis Rado, Albanian photographer. Women in the Handmaid's Tale also wear red uniforms.

More Debian men in uniforms (tartan kilts)
More details about Debian uniform tartan here

Historic city center, where the men from Google, Red Hat & Ubuntu will sleep in hotels

Who funds the diversity bus?