One of the seconders of the motion to spread defamation about a volunteer with decades of service, Dr Richard Stallman (RMS), is Paul Tagliamonte.
From 2015 to 2019, Tagliamonte was an employee at the White House in the US Digital Service. In particular, Tagliamonte worked on projects for the Pentagon and Veteran's Affairs (VA). He recently moved to Rebellion Defense.
In a previous post, we suggested that the mob founder, Molly de Blanc, should be investigated by law enforcement for cyber-hate crimes. We believe Paul Tagliamonte should be subject to the same investigation. Washington DC police hate-crime reporting, paste this link. More details about hate crime.
Contact Rebellion Defense to ask if Mr Tagliamonte's attacks on volunteers are part of an official mission. Rebellion's web site states: Rebellion Defense is driven by our mission — but a set of values binds us together. We hire by them, operate through them, and uphold them in every decision we make for ourselves and for our customers. What are the values at work in a public shaming of a volunteer?
Subject: Re: [off-topic] Rant & worry
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 18:58:52 -0500
From: Paul R. Tagliamonte <paultag@gmail.com>
To: Debian Private List <debian-private@lists.debian.org>In case folks have forgot, I remain employed by the White House & US Federal Government. It's been about 2 years.
On Feb 14, 2017 6:52 PM, "Steve Langasek" <vorlon@debian.org> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 12:34:08PM +1300, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> [2017-02-15 09:08 +1300]:
> > This message is private and not to be disclosed until after I've been
> > put in a prison camp.> I hope you guys all consider the likelihood that the NSA and
> possibly other government bodies and even terrorist formations have
> long ago infiltrated our project and happily read along…Well, I guess I should cut out the gallows humor, then. As we all know,
spooks only appreciate slapstick.--
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer
slangasek@ubuntu.com <mailto:slangasek@ubuntu.com> <mailto:vorlon@debian.org>

Various petitions and votes are currently being used to shame Dr Stallman, a well known volunteer, and destroy the legacy of his career. Imagine Paul Tagliamonte pissing on graves at Arlington National Cemetery. His disrespect for the 68-year-old Dr Richard Stallman is equally inappropriate.
The strategy of the mob involves mobilizing people to join the attack on Dr Stallman before they have time to consider the facts. People are being asked to set aside the rule of law, ignore the US Constitution and assume Dr Stallman is guilty-until-proven-innocent. We've seen mobs like this in Washington before.

From an unclassified US Air Force publication: Acting Secretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein discuss the importance of Defense Digital Service and what they bring to the fight with Chris Lynch (Rebellion co-founder), the team leader (right) and Paul Tagliamonte, a section member at the Pentagon, April 12. The DDS section is a unique team of industry experts assisting the Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo/Wayne A. Clark)
Chris Lynch (on the right) and Tagliamonte left this unit, Lynch founding Rebellion Defense and Tagliamonte following him to work there on defense projects.

Defense Digital Service [DDS.mil]
Tagliamonte is in the middle

Pentagon building, Washington DC

PsyOps in Debian
Please also see our coverage of Jonathan Wiltshire, Tiger Computing and British intelligence influence in Debian.