Enrico Zini & Debian
- Warning: three words you can't use in Debian
- Jonathan Wiltshire & Debian, Falsified Harassment claims, Tiger Computing and GCHQ
- Enrico Zini & Debian: falsified harassment claims
- Erinn Clark & Debian: Justice or another Open Source vendetta?
- Laura Arjona Reina & Debian, Carnival Mafia murders
- Debian, Chris Lamb, NXIVM sex cult prosecution
- The Daniel Baumann experiment: blackmail, expulsion, humiliation, shaming and servitude
- Codes of Contradiction
- Debian, Chris Lamb and a Campaign of Harassment-by-Proxy
- Is there a Debian Campaign of Harassment?
- International Women's Day 2020, Debian's cover-up of harassment, abuse and exploitation
- Threats, Violence, Suicide, Palestine and Censorship in Debian
- Debian blackmail and Thought Reform Quickstart
- The risks of secret punishments in online communities
- How does this help free software?
- What does democracy mean in free software communities?